Then & Now: Our Church History
1/2/2006 3:02:10 PM
The Seventh-Day Adventist Sweet Redemptive Church is a member of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist Church organization, spread across the globe, bringing God’s Word to millions of people. Our Main Headquarters (the General Conference) is based in Silver Springs, Maryland. The General Conference is subcategorized into regional Conferences, which are further subdivided into Unions, Districts and finally local churches and companies. Our local conference is the North Caribbean Conference (NCC), based in St. Croix, USVI.
In 1995, Pastor Wilmoth James held the Sweet Redemptive Crusade on Tortola, BVI. Out of that Crusade the SDA Sweet Redemptive Company was born with close to 100 new members and founding pioneers. Some of our early leaders included Elder Elroy Fahie, Elder Edwin Gilgeous, Elders Salvadol and Sylvanita Callwood, and Elder Masly Allan. First located in Sea Cows Bay, on a shady lot in the valley above the Ebenezer Thomas School area, the church was housed under a large Crusade tent. At times, church was kept at the Sea Cows Bay Community Centre during rainy weather or hurricane season but it was always a joy to return to the little tent under the trees.
In 1999, needing a more permanent home base, the site of the Pastors' manse in Slaney was chosen as the new home of the church. The building was old but sturdy and in short time, Sweet Redemptive was newly installed and having church again! Currently plans are underway to construct a new house of worship on the site. Your prayers and contributions are welcome.
The church has been blessed with strong and spiritual pastors over the years such as Pastor Campbell Rogers, Pastor Delvin Chatham, Pastor Dr. Vincent David and presently Pastor Howard Simon. Pastor Howard Simon is a strong, vibrant, pastor originally hailing from the island of Antigua. He is young, energetic, and full of the Holy Spirit that leads him everyday in his work. Together with his family, he began pastoring the churches of District 1 (Carrot Bay, Sweet Redemptive and Road Town) in October, 2005.
Our Mission Statement: Our Church is God’s family experiencing spiritual and numerical growth as we fellowship and share His redeeming love with all people in preparation for eternity.
Our Vision Statement: Claiming the territory (souls) for Christ through practical and spiritual ministries and prayer.