Seventh-day Adventist Sweet Redemptive Church Departments

All the departments, work as a cohesive unit, bringing God's word to the Slaney ---> Sea Cows Bay --> Pockwood Pond Community. From the Health department to the Sabbath School department, each one has a great importance to the church.


In the work and organization of the church, if a pastor has not been provided by the conference/mission/field, the office of elder ranks as the highest and most important.

Sabbath School

The Sabbath School is the most important group in the life of every Adventist congregation.

Adventist Youth Society

As taken from the Adventist Church Manual, The Adventist Youth Society is the action and fellowship organization for senior youth in the local church.

Clerical Department

The clerk of the church has one of the important church offices, upon the proper administration of which much of the efficient functioning of the church depends. Like all other church officers, the church clerk is elected for a one or two year term as determined by the local church (See p. 47.); but because of the important and specialized functions of this office, it is wise to choose one who can be reelected to repeated terms to provide continuity in record keeping and reporting.


The Pathfinder Club provides a specialized program needed for junior youth and in some areas has replaced the Adventist Junior Youth Society in the local church.

Deacon and Deaconesses

The office of deacon is described in the New Testament (1 Tim. 3:8-13) where the Greek word diakonos is used from which the English "deacon" is derived.

Family Life

The over-arching objective of Family Ministries is to strengthen the family as a discipling center. The family was established by divine creation as the fundamental human institution.


The Stewardship Department was organized to help members become effective stewards and to assist in the implementation of God's plan of systematic benevolence throughout the church.

Women's Ministries

The Department of Women's Ministries exists to uphold, encourage, and challenge Seventh-day Adventist women in their daily walk as disciples of Jesus Christ and as members of His world church.


The Music Department of the church lead the music of the Sabbath School and plan with the division leaders, Elders, and Pastor for the presentation of any phase of worship each Sabbath, and other planned activity during the week.

Community Services

The Community Services/ Dorcas Society is an important feature of the outreach (missionary) activities of the church. The leader of this society, the assistant leader (if needed), and the secretary-treasurer, are elected at the regular church election.

Children's Ministries

The Department of Children's Ministries is organized to promote and coordinate ministry to the children of the church, as well as to involve children in service to others.

Personal Ministries (Lay Activities)

Taken from the Personal Ministries Handbook; The mission of Personal Ministries is to provide resources and train church members to unite their efforts with the ministry and church officers in the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ.

Health Ministries

The church accepts its responsibility to make Christ known to the world and believes this includes a moral obligation to preserve human dignity by obtaining optimal levels of physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Communications Department

Importance of Effective Communication Through the years divine instruction has come to the church concerning the importance of using contemporary communication media in spreading the gospel.


Master guides are instructors, ages 16 and above, who have completed a certain number of honors in arts and crafts, health and science, industries, community service ministry, and recreation, thus providing needed vocational abilities to take the gospel to this generation.

Music Ministries

The Music Ministries Director of the church leads the Music Ministries Department (including choristers & musicians) out in Divine Worship of the Church. The Special Music portions of the services are also coordinated by this vital ministry.

Adventures and Eager Beavers

The Adventurer Club provides a specialized program suited to the rapidly developing primary/early school-age children in the local church.


(to find out more, click the above links or visit the official Adventist website at